What’s wrong with Straight Pride?

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Straight Pride is never used as a celebration of heterosexuality, it is always used to promote a religious political agenda, often involving the abolition of gay marriage, the atrocities of conversion therapy, and shaming closeted lgbtq+ people into isolation. There is nothing to celebrate about being straight, because there has been no sacrifice or struggle to being a heterosexual in society. Heterosexuals don’t fear coming out straight to their parents, nor are they bullied for being straight. They aren’t denied employment, housing, or spousal rights as members of straight society. Our culture has been supportive and promoting of heterosexuality since time began, so every law, protection, and freedom already exists to straight people. Celebrating Straight Pride is bragging about being on the side of the oppressor, and is in extremely poor taste. Straight people celebrate their freedom 365 days of the year, they don’t need a special “day”.

USA Today – Why we have LGBTQ Pride and not ‘Straight Pride’
Huffington Post – Actually, Maybe Straight Pride Parades Aren’t Such A Bad Idea. Here’s Why.

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