Why don’t you ignore it?

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Ignoring hate is not an option. Ignoring human rights abuses helps the oppressor, not the oppressed. What they do is spread fear and inspire bullying and violence against targeted groups. If we let them have their speech, parade, or event, then we’ve let hate have a foothold in the community. This leads to others crawling out of the woodwork, brazenly hoisting their symbols of homophobia, racism, and intolerance, because now they feel their anachronistic views have been legitimized. When a city allows hate speech, they become complicit in its message and its results. We, as a community, need to show that the Straight Pride organizers do not represent us as a people, and we need to show lawmakers that we will not be silent. Hate speech needs to be confronted, head on. When the rights of LGBTQ+ citizens are stripped away, when teens commit suicide, and when dance clubs become crime scenes, will you be happy to say you sat back and did nothing?

Impakter – More than Hurt Feelings: The Real Danger of Hate Speech

Open Democracy – Six reasons why protest is so important for democracy

Thought Co – Why Protest Events Are Not a Waste of Time

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