I thought we already had equal rights?

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Currently, 2 states have legislated the right to discriminate against gays on employment. 6 states legislated the right to discriminate on adoption. That means that not only is such discrimination allowed, but that these states felt it necessary to create laws to guarantee the right of discrimination. 29 States allow housing discrimination based on sexual orientation. 31 allow the same based on gender identity.

Transgender individuals are three times more likely to be victims of police violence, and 9 times more likely to attempt suicide. 20-25% of lesbian and gay people experience hate crimes in their lifetimes. 72 countries have laws against homosexuality. 13 of those countries employ the death penalty.

Fast Company – Here’s Everywhere In The U.S. You Can Still Get Fired For Being Gay Or Trans

NBC News – LGBTQ parents face ‘state-sanctioned discrimination,’ American Bar Association says

Explainer – The State of Gay Rights Today

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